Saturday, February 4, 2012

Best news ever part 2

My brother Tom and his daughter (my niece) told me about this diet that they were on and how Tom had lost over 80 lbs and I was in awe. I thought to myself that if my brother can lose 80 lbs on this diet then I know I can do this diet so I started asking questions and researching this. Then a friend of mine Charissa told me more about this diet and what the name of it was the Paleo lifestyle or Primal lifestyle or the caveman lifestlye. So in June of 2011 I started walking and doing this lifestyle and trying to cover my sugar addiction Well today is Feb 4, 2012 and I am still down 25-30 lbs and I got a wonderful phone call from the infertility clinic about the fasting blood work and the blood work that they did on Wednesday at the appt. The good news is that the dr said losing the weight that I am losing is very good and told me that if it takes me 2 years to get to my ideal weight then it takes me two years at least I am doing it slow and steady and healthy, second news is that I had to fast for 12 hours and those results are NORMAL I REPEAT NORMAL I do not have to take my metformin medicine anymore!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS ARE NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!! MY INSULIN LEVELS ARE NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM FINALLY GETTING THIS PCOS ARE UNDER CONTROL INSTEAD OF IT CONTROLLING ME.. Then the next great news is I AM STILL PRODUCING EGGS!!!!!!!!!!! I AM PRODUCING EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now all the clinic needs to do is look at my male and female hormones as well as do a saline sonogram on me and flushing of my tubes. The dr told kevin it might be a easy fix of just flushing my tubes and I will be back to normal or getting my hormones straightened out.. Either way is fine with me because I am getting healthy and it takes time to get healthy and I am on this train ride for life now... I am still on cloud nine that after 16+ years of taking metformin and having to deal with the side efforts and everything that it only took 6 months of being on the Paleo Lifestyle to change my life. Thank you to Tommy, Charissa for introducing this to me. Thank you to Dr. Le for sending me and listening to me about my PCOS and needing help. THANK YOU THANK YOU.. I am getting my life back since the PCOS stoled it from me. Til next time ] thank you for listening to me


  1. Crying happy tears of happy for you!

  2. You deserve it with all of the stuff you've been through! Congrats Missy!

  3. Oh I am so happy for you!!! Congrats and I am so so so very proud of you! You are still my inspiration! :)

  4. Thank you guys. This means alot. I started crying on the phone when the nurse told me. This just makes me want do work harder.
